Members: View the COP Event Prediction WebEx which took place on Wednesday, August 3rd from 2-4pm EDT

The June Members Teleconference was held on Wednesday, June 15th at 11am EDT

Members: 2016 May Meeting Minutes and Presentation Files are now available in the Members-Only Site

The COP October Meeting, in Red Deer, Alberta, took place on October 11-13, 2016

Mark Your Calendars: Starting in June, Monthly Member Teleconferences have a new day and time: the third Wednesday at 11am (Eastern)

Reminder: Register now to attend the 2016 May Meeting in Dayton. Registration will close on May 2nd.

The April Members Teleconference was held on Thursday, April 21st at 2pm EDT

Reminder: Reserve your hotel room for the 2016 May Meeting by April 20th to receive discounted rates

Reminder: Registration is open for the 2016 May Meeting

Members: 2016 May Meeting Advanced Agenda is now available