Displaying 18 results

Distillation Test

Knowledge Benchmarking Test, Operator Training Benchmark

Skills / Knowledge

How effective is your distillation training? This test, developed exclusively for the COP, is proven to effectively assess distillation knowledge. Use it for your operators or even new engineers.

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Display Evaluation Toolkit

Display Evaluation Toolkit II, Display Evaluation Toolkit I, Graphic Scorecard


Use this toolkit to experimentally quantify how well a graphic improves operator performance in terms of (1) speed and accuracy in identifying issues, (2) workload, and (3) situation awareness. The toolkit explains the basics of designing an experiment and makes use of various human factors tools (SWAT, NASA-TLX) to measure workload; SAGAT to measure situation awareness; and eye tracking.

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Semantic Procedure Analyzer (SPA) Tool

Procedure Analyzer

Procedures / Job Aids

With only 10% of emergency procedure content being unique, current practices of individual procedure documents make for a maintenance nightmare. Using semantic analysis, the tool parses procedures into individual chunks as a first step in modularizing procedures.


Display Content Selection Prototype

Display Content I


The best designed graphic will not improve operator performance if it does not contain the right information. This prototype enables the selection of graphic parameters to ensure operators have the right information to answer critical operating decisions.


Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) Handbook


Skills / Knowledge

Improving performance requires an understanding of how cognitive work is done. Use this handbook to learn how and why to conduct a cognitive task analysis.

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Teaming Toolkit and Learning Resources

CRM Needs Analysis


This set of tools is for organizations looking to improve teamwork. The Framework will guide your use of the included teaming self-assessments, debriefings, and scenarios.

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Storytelling for Knowledge Capture Guide

Storytelling for Knowledge Capture II, Storytelling for Knowledge Capture


Stories are essential to help operators put procedures into practice. Download this simple-to-use guide that will enable your organization to use the power of stories to record and enhance existing operations and training.

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ShadowBox Training Toolkit

ShadowBox Training Method, ShadowBox Train the Trainer


An alternative to DMX, this scenario-based training captures the knowledge of experts and leads the trainee through a series of decision points to recognize and solve problems. It can be used in several formats including paper-based, software, or with a simulator. 

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Fixation Workshop

Fixation Workshop


Fixation occurs when operators become stuck on a problem and inhibits their ability to effective problem-solve. Download this recorded workshop demonstrating the signs of being in a state of fixation. The workshop provides tools to prevent fixation and how to move past it.

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COSA (Console Op Situation Awareness) Graphic Guide

Overview Displays (COSA Graphics)


Learn how and why to create an effective (overview, level 1) graphic for your operator to maintain situation awareness of his entire span of control.

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Data to Information (DTI) Handbook

Data to Information (DTI) II


One-stop graphic system design for refineries. Use the templates and examples of all 3 levels of a display hierarchy and all major refinery equipment/processes to update existing systems or to create totally new systems.

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Graphic Scorecard

Graphic Scorecard


Use this Excel-based program to determine if your current or planned graphics have a passing grade. Design gaps and areas of improvement will be identified.

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Event Prediction Tool

Event Prediction IV


A new technique using principal component analysis for predicting abnormal events. The technique was proven to not only identify when an event would occur but also the sources (tags) of the problem.


Advanced Alarming Guide

Advanced Alarming Techniques


Move beyond basic alarm management with this easy to use guide that describes advanced alarming and provides examples of how to use.

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Alarm Sounds

Alarm Sounds Phase II Part 2, Alarm Sounds


Seconds can save lives. Use these human factors engineered sounds to improve recognition and localizability of alarms, while reducing control room noise and stress. Gone from the control room "Hey, that's your alarm!"

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Training Scenario Library

ShadowBox Training Method, Decision Making Exercises (DMX), Training Scenario Library


Member-developed scenario-based training exercises for ShadowBox and DMX training. Download and modify to your plant-specifics. NOTE:  STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Decision Making Exercises (DMX) Training Toolkit

Decision Making Exercises (DMX), DMX Manual


Low-cost, low-fidelity, and applicable in one-on-one or group training, decision making training ensures trainees recognize the problem and make applicable decisions toward resolution. Explore this toolkit for scenario-based tabletop training exercises that provide direct feedback to the trainee from the expert.

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Cognitive After Action Review Guide for Observers (CAARGO)



A train-the-trainer toolset that challenges long-held beliefs about training by contrasting effective and detrimental training techniques that are applicable to one-on-one or group training. Includes video demonstrations.

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