Research institution
Focus team
Project status
Year ended
Project ID

The project team (TBD) will be identifying the issues associated with an operators time away from working a specific position.


Understanding how long a person cannot work a position and still remain qualified can reduce the need for refiled operators and/or reduce the risk of a person who has lost the requisite skill level from working the position.

Driving questions

What are the issues associated with time away from a job?


Having individuals qualified on more than one position increases flexibility for scheduling and coverage of the position. This is particularly important with the work restrictions imposed by API755. However, being qualified on multiple positions may require that the individual not work one of the positions, sometimes with long time periods (months) in between working the job.


The following deliverables were requested in the RFP:
An oral and written report will be prepared defining the issues and suggested research program to address the issues associated with the impact of not working a position on skill degradation.