Why and/or when to use it?

The best designed graphic will not improve operator performance if it does not contain the right information. This prototype enables the selection of graphic parameters to ensure operators have the right information to answer critical operating decisions.

Readiness for use

This prototype was developed to enable COP members to make use of the research conducted in the Display Content I project. It provides a way for graphic designers to obtain input from operators about the parameters they control and which are important for making key operating decisions. For example, "Why is my Crude unit not making enough of the desired product?" Operators can rate each process parameter regarding its value in making this determination. When used for all of the key decisions an operator makes, the output of the tool identifies those key process variables that should be shown on Level 1 and 2 graphics.

The download is comprised of the following:

  1. ReadMe - READ FIRST! This files provides instructions for use of the tool
  2. Admin Tool - This access database is used to enter the questions, parameters, and users for rating graphic parameters for specific processes. After operators score using the User Tool, the Admin Tool shows the results (i.e., the relative importance of each process parameter)
  3. User Tool - This access database allows operators to score the value of each process parameter for each process decision.

Note:  As stated, this is a prototype, although it was tested and found to work as recently as August 2024. It does require a bit of work to use, but it can be highly valuable in identifying the process variables operators need to see, thereby helping to organize process data in a graphic design project.
