Why and/or when to use it?

Fixation occurs when operators become stuck on a problem and inhibits their ability to effective problem-solve. Download this recorded workshop demonstrating the signs of being in a state of fixation. The workshop provides tools to prevent fixation and how to move past it.

Readiness for use
Ready for Use

This workshop was designed specifically for COP members by ShadowBox, LLC, who state the following:

"Fixation occurs when someone forms an initial assessment or hypothesis of what is going on and then either holds onto this hypothesis without testing it or in light of contrary evidence. This cognitive barrier is especially problematic when operators attempt to troubleshoot a novel situation. The workshop outlined the causal factors that lead to making diagnostic errors and specifically focused on fixation. As such, we discussed tactics and suggestions for identifying when fixation is occurring, with the goal to ultimately reduce the chance of making diagnostic errors. Throughout the workshop, we also discussed reasons why the conventional advice for preventing fixation and reducing diagnostic errors is useless, wrong, and in some ways detrimental."

Download the Quick Reference Guide to access the full, one-hour Train-the-trainer workshop on YouTube and give your trainers the tools they need to overcome fixation.
