Why and/or when to use it?

Use this toolkit to experimentally quantify how well a graphic improves operator performance in terms of (1) speed and accuracy in identifying issues, (2) workload, and (3) situation awareness. The toolkit explains the basics of designing an experiment and makes use of various human factors tools (SWAT, NASA-TLX) to measure workload; SAGAT to measure situation awareness; and eye tracking.

Readiness for use
Ready for Use

This tool enables members to dig into the human factors of graphic design and its impact on operator performance. While the tool is more academic than the newer Graphic Scorecard, it provides great information on the following:

  1. Metrics for assessing impact of graphic on operator performance
  2. Human factors tools for measuring workload (SWAT, NASA-TLX)
  3. Human factors tool for measure situation awareness (SAGAT)
  4. Guidelines for designing experiment
  5. Instructions for using eye tracking to assess graphic design

