Why and/or when to use it?

This set of tools is for organizations looking to improve teamwork. The Framework will guide your use of the included teaming self-assessments, debriefings, and scenarios.

Readiness for use
Ready for Use

This toolkit contains:

  1. COP Teaming Behaviors Framework
    • List of 19 behaviors needed for effective teaming, aligned under 6 competency categories
  2. COP Teaming Presentation
    • Short set of slides to educate individuals, teams, or leaders about teaming concepts and key behaviors and using the other teaming tools & learning experiences
  3. COP Teaming Survey
    • Tool to diagnose teaming needs, risks, and training opportunities
  4. COP Teaming Self-Assessment (and debriefing guide)
    • A one-page tool that a team/area can use to assess themselves and make a few adjustments (stop/start/continue) with simple instructions for the facilitator
  5. Psychological Safety Briefing and Exercise
    • A module to enhance awareness and encourage people/teams to build psychological safety (slides, exercise, checklist)
  6. Teaming Scenarios
    • A set of short scenarios that describe a situation that requires teaming, along with discussion questions that can be used to conduct a facilitated team training session